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Let’s Go Live in a Tree House
A tree house, a free house, a secret you and me house, a high up in the leafy branches, cozy as can be house. With Labor Day fast approaching, I'm already reminiscing about the loads of fun I had this summer. Here's one thing I learned this season: kids love tree houses...
Harvest Art for the Seasons to Come
Everywhere I looked crates were stacked high with perfect vegetables, all color and gleam at high noon. Here in Maine where I live the growing season is mercilessly short--June to October more or less--and that means that by mid-August we're in full harvest mode...
Mad Men Fever
Talk of the style-setting show Mad Men is rampant. The show's set decorator Amy Wells has created pitch-perfect early 1960s interiors representing Manhattan swank, Palm Springs modern (my fave) and suburban traditional. If you love the look, consider adding a touch of Mad Men style to your walls...