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Don’t Forget The Flowers! Don’t Forget The Flowers!
As the winter months grow longer, it can be hard to even imagine sunshine. Whether you live in a warm or cold climate, we all can appreciate a little bit of greenery, regardless of the weather. There is something about the colors of nature that makes the whole world seem brighter ...
Into The Heart of The Wilderness Into The Heart of The Wilderness
Wilderness - an area of land that has not been used to grow crops or had towns and roads built on it, especially because it is difficult to live in as a result of its extremely cold or hot weather or bad earth, according to the Oxford English Dictionary. A bewildering situation, according to Webster. The term has deep religious roots describing times of distress, doubt, and alienation. It also has a well-established environmental and conservation history ...
Animals Make Art Animals Make Art
Artists - who are they and what do they create? Chances are if I asked you to draw me a picture of an artist, you’d draw me a person, and that used to be correct but not anymore! Now, more and more animals are collaborating with artists to create beautiful art. Let’s explore some of our animal friends and the art they create ...
Moon Dancer Moon Dancer
Are you a sun lover or a moon dancer? It seems like the sun worshipers get all the attention and the moon lovers are more in the shadows. Regardless, there's always been a strong alure to the moon in life and in art. Who can resist seeing it's light reflected in the night sky? Or over the beach? Or keeping company with stars? There are so many stories and mysteries connected to the moon. Science has its evidence and we all have our own dreams about the moon. If the moon is your icon, or if you're simply drawn to this astronomical body, then join the club and ...