Why buy original art from Zatista? We'll tell you here
Art of Simplicity
Many artworks found in galleries both public and private were chosen to make a big impression, to provoke, to engage, to dominate and define the space they occupy. But sometimes art can be a less imposing presence...
About Face
From likenesses of the heads of noteworthy people cut off at the shoulders in sculpture, in profile on currency and cameos, to the common school yearbook or passport photo, portraits appear in all walks of life and historical periods and seem to insist...
Shades of Gray
Gray can be many things, but boring is not one of them. Artists who work in black and white, whether through photography or drawing with charcoal and pencil, know the value of using the full range of grays to soften the transitions between negative and positive, dark and light...
Flag Waving
This iconic item appears often and in many forms throughout the history of American art. It can represent war or peace, home or longing for home, freedom or belonging, none or all of the above, making it a powerful emotional and visual symbol...