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Spin Your Wheels

Having just moved to Portland, Oregon, I can’t help but notice that this city has a serious case of bicycle fever. Bicycles of all different shapes and sizes are everywhere helping riders save money on gas, reduce pollution and energy consumption, and get exercise. Sounds like a good idea to me.

Irondelles - Girls on Tall Bikes photo: candycranks.com

Of course, the volume of bikes is not as extreme as in Asia or Europe, but nonetheless, it’s inspiring me to get out there for fun, fitness and transportation.

"Density-006" by Yehan Wang zatista.com

Luckily, this week’s warm fall weather is making it easy to squeeze the last few drops out of bicycle season, though Portland’s cyclists would say it’s a year-round game.

In lieu of a sign, a bicycle shop in Altlandsberg, Germany showcases their goods with a wall of 120 bikes mounted on the building’s exterior photo: re-nest.com

If you’re thinking, “Sure, biking in my bikini to the beach is great, but what about my groceries, baggage, furniture and children?” then the cargo bike is for you. Check out this short video from the streets of Copenhagen about the cargo bike craze. Move over SUV!

If you’re shopping for a bike, be sure to check out these sources for stylish spokes suitable for mom, dad, kiddos and Rover on apartmenttherapy.com:

Best City Bikes & Easy Rides 2010 apartmenttherapy.com

Whether it’s spring, summer or fall, bicycles are in season. Put your car keys on the shelf and peddle yourself or the kids to work, school, coffee, soccer practice, accordion lessons, a friend’s house, or your local farmer’s market. After a little spin around town, come back and tell us how you liked it. You might be inspired to buy bicycle art on Zatista to enjoy during those really cold and snowy winter days when it just isn’t in the cards to ride.

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