Why buy original art from Zatista? We'll tell you here
Hands-On Art
Today, I've been craving things which are handmade (ok, chocolate too but that's another story). It's the constant crush of our high tech age which makes me want to get off the freeway, get out of the car, turn off the iPhone/Blackberry/HDTV/radio/fax/microwave/laptop and yes I'm going to say it….slow down, take time to be creative, and make something with my own bare hands. It feels goooood to consider this. Am I the only one?
Framing Nature
Here in Southern California, the late spring weather has been heavenly – pulling me outside on most days. It's the perfect season to take my three year old daughter on walks through the neighborhood. It's also a great opportunity for both of us to slow down and appreciate nature's endless marvels.
What’s in a Name
One of my favorite things as a verbal person is to watch visual people struggle to utilize the more narrow constructs of written language to express what it is that they create artistically.