Why buy original art from Zatista? We'll tell you here
PaperGirl NY Delivers Free Art to the Masses
...a pack of Brooklynites distributed rolls of art by bicycle randomly throughout the city last Wednesday afternoon. It was New York's introduction to what has become a world-wide phenomenon. Since 2005 it has spread as far as Romania and South Africa, adopted and carried out by enthusiastic supporters of public art, and usually bicycle culture, too...
24 Hours on Zatista, Part 2: Noon
The thing about the light at noon is that there are no shadows. That's a pretty obvious thing to point out, but have you ever really thought about it? It can make barren landscapes look downright lunar. Some cultures throughout time believed that a person's shadow is their soul. So then what's going on at lunchtime?
24 Hours on Zatista, Part 1: Dawn
As humans the one thing that we can all agree on is that we're all different. So it would be pretty hard to say "this is life" or "this is a typical day." The one thing that is relatively constant is the sun. Most mornings it greets us with a blaze of color, shines bright at noon, and then treats us to another light show at dusk...
Harvest Art for the Seasons to Come
Everywhere I looked crates were stacked high with perfect vegetables, all color and gleam at high noon. Here in Maine where I live the growing season is mercilessly short--June to October more or less--and that means that by mid-August we're in full harvest mode...